About Me
My debut poetry collection was ‘General Release from the Beginning of the World’ (2023, Free Verse Editions). My second collection, ‘To Phrase a Prayer for Peace,’ is forthcoming (3/25/25, Wildhouse Press). O'm an emeritus psychology professor, MacDowell fellow, rabbinical school drop-out, and former classical flutist. Her chapbooks include ‘Slippery Surfaces’, ‘And Haunt the World’ (with Flower Conroy). and ‘Dear Ghost’ (winner, Harbor Review Editor’s prize). I lived in the Netherlands for 22 years and translate Dutch poetry. My poems and translations appear or are forthcoming at The Academy of American Poets, and in the Alaska Quarterly Review, Copper Nickel, The American Poetry Review, and elsewhere. My collaborative book with Flower Conroy, ‘And Scuttle My Balloon’, is forthcoming from Pictureshow Press in 2025. My translations from the Dutch of Lucas Hirsch’s ‘Wu Wei Eats an Egg’ is forthcoming from Ben Yehuda press, also in 2025. There is more about me at Yetzirah ​​
General Release from the Beginning of the World (2023) is available from Free Verse Editions! And thank you Camille Dungy and Orion Magazine for choosing my book as one of 14 recommended poetry books for the winter!
My second full length book, 'To Phrase a Prayer for Peace,' is forthcoming from Wildhouse Publishing in 2025.
I was one of 5 over 50 debut authors featured in the Nov/Dec 2023 issue of Poets & Writers. You can read it here and watch/listen to it here.
I won the 2023 Harbor Editions Editors Prize for my microchapbook, Dear Ghost. You can read it here.
Flower Conroy and I were recently MacDowell Fellows, and have a collaborative chapbook, And Haunt the World, with Ghost City Press. Download it for free here!
A link to my Academic CV can be found here